Filling Out Order Details

Add to Cart

On the product page, you can add the product to your shopping cart.

You can also check the inventory levels if the product is in stock.

*The price can be invisible to users depending on the configuration.

Choose Quantity

Please use Quantity/Selection drop down box to choose the quantity option or enter the quantity you need.

Three examples are provided below, depending on products.

Quantity drop down box:

Selection drop down box:

Enter any quantity:

Select Shipping Address

On the product page, please use Ship To drop down box to select the address or add a new address.

*You may not find the shipping option on the product page depending on the initial settings.

On the shopping cart page, you can select or change your shipping address/shipping options with the drop down box.

Please note that if there is only one address/location saved in your profile, the drop down box will not be shown.

Once you confirm the order details, please click Proceed to Checkout to complete the order.


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